A Pro-Life Leader in Congress
As a physician who has delivered more than 5,000 babies in Kansas, Dr. Marshall has stood firmly by his pro-life convictions long before considering a run for political office.
As a lifetime member of the American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs, his position on life has remained consistent — that abortion is wrong at any stage — and he will carry on this life-long fight in the U.S. Senate.
Voting Record with National Right to Life
Kansas Babies Delivered
1 of 5
Kansas Physicians Recommended by Pro-Life OB/GYNs
Only Candidate Endorsed By:

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Amend the Kansas state constitution to protect life
Activist judges on the Kansas Supreme Court have GUARANTEED on-demand abortion AS A RIGHT across this state.
That’s not Kansas. Those aren’t the values of Kansas — a state founded on the value and dignity of every human life.
Add your name to our petition for an amendment that PROTECTS LIFE across the Sunflower State.